University & Program

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Institute of Physics

Program Level
Master / Doctoral
Language of instruction
75% taught in English
Fall / Spring

The Institute of Physics (IOP) of NYCU was founded in 1993 to support the development of fundamental sciences in this originally technology-oriented school. Despite its relative youth as an institute and its small size, IOP is energetic in education, research, and international collaborations. IOP is also devoted to intensive collaborations with the following institutions.
․ RIKEN, Japan
․ Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany
․ Swansea University, UK
․ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
․ Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
․ University of Education, Hue University, Vietnam
The research of IOP covers four directions: condensed matter physics, medium & high energy and cosmology, atomic & molecular and optical physics, and biomedical physics. The laboratories and research branches include the following:
․ Organic semiconductor laboratory
․ Quantum matter physics laboratory
․ Soft condensed matter group
․ Cosmic rays laboratory
․ Lattice gauge theory group
․ Cosmology group
․ AMO physics group
․ Biophysics and statistical physics group
․ Computational physics laboratory


Contact information

Office of International Affairs
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