University & Program

National Taiwan University

Civil Engineering - Construction Engineering and Management Division (master's degree)

Program Level
Language of instruction
Taught in Chinese

The Department of Civil Engineering of National Taiwan University was established in 1943. It offers both undergraduate and graduate programs in civil engineering as well as research opportunities for the society and the nation. It is recognized as the largest and leading one among all civil engineering departments in the nation.

The Department has more than 50 full-time faculty members with strong teaching and research backgrounds in geotechnical, structural, hydraulic, transportation, computer-aided, construction management, and surveying fields. The Department also collaborates in many areas with the Institute of Environment Engineering, Institute of Applied Mechanics, and Institute of Building and Planning, sharing with these institutes several of their faculty members.

The Department has long been actively engaged in academic research and has a close cooperative relation with the industry and government agencies. Many major constructions in this country have been based on the research results carried out jointly by this Department.


Taiwan has entered the era of research & development. Advanced research and development requires high-tech plants and public facilities. Construction Engineering and Management focuses on the entire lifespan of the plants and public facilities, which includes planning, design, procurement, construction, transfer, maintenance and operations management, etc. It is an important link to the new era of innovation and development. Research and innovation have a great impact on the future economic and technological development of Taiwan. In order to cope with the challenge, our division started to enroll postgraduate students majoring in Construction Engineering and Management in 1990. In 1998, the Division of Construction Engineering and Management was officially established by the Ministry of Education. In addition, the part-time in-service Master courses started in 2003 to strengthen connections between the construction industry and the research group. In recent years high-tech industries have had a significant impact on Taiwan's economic development. In recognition of that fact, our division has started to focus on research into high-tech manufacturing plants.


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