University & Program

Hungkuo Delin University of Technology

International Program of Hospitality Management Industry-Academia Collaboration, Department of Hospitality Management

Program Level
Language of instruction
Others: 第一學年中英比例為1:1。第二學年通識課為英文授課,其餘課程為中文。第三學年全中文

The department has established a cooperative relationship with The Caesar Park Hotel system and other organization in the Hospitality industry.
This collaboration provides numerous career opportunities for students, by enhancing fundamental values. All of the faculty members have extensive industry related experience.
Freshmen and sophomores are required to take an on-campus internship, while senior students perform a one-semester internship in Japan and Singapore, which gives our students one-year of work experience by the time they graduate.
To integrate these practical experiences, the curriculum includes:
(a) fundamental and general courses
(b) basic management classes (e.g. service industry management, hotel management, and accounting)
(c) regular core courses,(e.g. hospitality chain management, project study, preparing and development)
(d) professional foreign language courses
(e) applied information courses
(f) internship


Contact information

Office of International Affairs
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