University & Program

Shu-Te University

室內設計研究所Department of Interior Design

Program Level
Language of instruction
Taught in Chinese
Fall / Spring

The curriculum in our department includes six major directions:

Commentaries on interior design;
Technical education in interior design;
Cultural differences of space;
Construction materials and safety in daily life;
Professional certificates and practical work;
Typology and history of space.
Courses and modules derived from these six major directions are as follows:
Design and theory courses: basic design, interior design, design fundamentals, history of interior design, design methods, design criticism (space and its connotation as well as design style), contemporary design trends.
Practical experience courses: furniture design and production, design and practical experiences of environmental control, construction drawings, and illumination design.
Computer applications courses: computer-assisted drawing, computer-assisted design, and 3D space presentation.
In this era of integration between science and technology, space should be designed based on how it is used in contemporary Taiwan. As a result, when setting so called “specialized modules”, our department has combined the design markets with the education of interior design. Three modules have been determined with their main courses:
The module for residential space design:
Interior design (1), (2). Thesis design (1),(2). Furniture design. Residence theory. The cultural form of space. Contemporary trends of design. Design methods. Comments on design. Generalization of working places. Practical experiences. Design management.

The module for the display design of industry and commerce:
Interior design (3),(4). Thesis design (1),(2). Generalization of theaters. Generalization of display design. Contemporary trends of design. Design methods. Comments on design. Generalization of working places. Practical experiences. Design management.

The module for interior construction design:
Special design (1),(2). Space elements. Physical and environmental control. Contemporary trends of design. Furniture and space. Illumination design. Design methods. Comments on design. Generalization of working places. Practical experiences. Design management.

(1) 低年級側重基礎訓練;高年級著重專業訓練為原則,各年級並輔以文化陶冶,以培養具人文素養及專業技能的
(2) 理論課程與技能訓練並重,以實作練習課程讓學生從中學習,彌補傳統課堂教學之不足。
(3) 加強評圖訓練及簡報能力,使學生能將自己設計理念完整表達出來。
(4) 加強學生對建材認識以及選擇搭配建材的能力。
(5) 以法規、規範方面的課程讓學生熟西專業法規,職業道德及室內設計業務管理等專業訓練。
(6) 在專業訓練課程中區分住宅類與非住宅類室內設計。
(7) 充分運用電腦輔助設計之優點,結合傳統人工設計與電腦輔助設計,以提昇設計之品質與速度。
(8) 注重技職教育高中、職與技職體系專業教育之銜接。
(9) 本系校外資源廣大,與國內各縣市室內設計公會關係良好,充分掌握學習資源及就業機會。
(10) 就業導向:教學主要以學生畢業後從事室內設計業為主,升學為輔。
(11) 鼓勵參與社團:鼓勵師生參與全國室內設計相關社團協會與學會會員活動。
(12) 專業模組:學生依學習興趣於必修課程外,選擇設計、實務或電腦應用課程。
(13) 教學實務參觀:每學期舉辦校外教學參觀,包括工程現場、建材展示場等。
(14) 學習成果展覽:學生每學期需於校內或校外發表學習成果及心得。
(15) 模擬證照測驗:學生於畢業前可參加本係證照模擬考試。
(16) 未來將以「人因環境模擬」科技和設備輔助傳統人工設計,進行教學規劃、學術研究、推廣教育和社會服務等四方面的整合。


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