University & Program

Fooyin University

休閒與遊憩事業管理系 Department of Leisure and Recreation Industry Management

Program Level
Language of instruction
Taught in Chinese
Fall / Spring

Features and Advantage:
 focus on the cultivation of leisure and recreation services industry skills
 integrate new concepts and introduced rich cultural content to emphasize human-based services
 Cultivate tourism and leisure recreation industry operation/management personnel
 Sign off-campus internship contracts with leisure and tourism industry operators to conduct industry and academia cooperation
 Strengthen students’ English and professional abilities as well as expand their international perspective
Curriculum Design:
 implement sandwich-style teaching: three years of in-school professional skill cultivation and one year of practical internship
 the first and second year for liberal arts/general education courses and basic professional courses, third year for practical courses and last year for topic research and off-campus internship
 two main development directions for course design--tourism industry module and leisure recreation industry module
Learning resources:
Hotel internships, travel agency internships, coffee shop internships, cocktail classrooms, food service classrooms, multimedia classrooms
Future Career:
In the fields of
 tourism industry module: tourism corporate planning and service personnel
 leisure recreation industry module: hospitality service management personnel and recreation industry service personnel


Contact information

Office of International Affairs
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